How to get a shiny entei on soul silver

How to get Shiny Entei,Suicune,And.
Sorry guys but the website with the Pkm files is down right now. Python- Pkm Files- Or you can
Capture three specific Pokemon characters and make sure you have three more in your roster of characters. You’ll need Suicune, Raikou, Entei, Articuno, Zapdos and
How to get a shiny entei on soul silver
How to get a shiny entei on soul silver
How To Get A Lot Of Master Balls In. how do I get Celebi - Pokemon Soul Silver.
Pokemon Soul Silver Catch Entei On Soul Silver How To Get Shiny Pokemon?.
Hi well I know some places where you can easily get some shinys here they are -the pond next to the bell tower ( a blue poliwag ) -the diglett cave ( I don't know
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How to get a shiny Pichu. Dedication to whoever put up the event.
No, you just give a master ball to a ditto, then you leave it in the day care for a while. Wait later it makes multiple masters. Or just win first prize at the lotto
Ok, here's what you do. 1.Go to a pokemart and get around 50 ultra balls, and 40 super repels. 2.Check the pokegear often to see where the legendary is. 3.Do not use fly.
Pokemon Silver Raikou Shiny Raikou How To Get A Lot Of Master Balls In. How To Get A -

How To Get a Shiny Pichu 2011 (Soul.
You have to of gotten the national dex and you must of caught lugia and ho-oh then got to where you caught lugia then mew will be there talk to it and it will vanish.