uhc claims fax

uhc claims fax
UnitedHealthcare (UHC) Group Dental Plan.
UHC Choice Plus Plan | Office of Human. UHC Choice Plus Plan | Office of Human.
New Medical Provider . After an extensive review process, The George Washington University (GW) is changing medical providers. In order to provide you with an
New Medical Provider - Office of Finance - The George Washington ...
United Healthcare Choice Plus: Office of.
office (425) 820-7272 fax (425) 821-3587 toll-free (877) 820-7272

The United Healthcare (UHC) Choice Plus plan is a PPO plan that allows you to see any doctor in their network – including specialists – without a referral.
United HealthCare Choice Plus (POS) Plan for Clinical Fellows and Trainees Group Number: 702111 Claims Mailing Address: P. O. Box 30555, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0555
Übersetzung Claim
New Medical Provider - Office of Finance - The George Washington ...