pain in foot feels like a bee sting

10.05.2009 · Best Answer: As it happens i was stung by a wasp just today and i keep bees so i can tell you a bit about their stings. Bees are a lot less likely to sting
11.07.2010 · Best Answer: It might be a sting, but if you didn't see a stinger inside the bump then it is most likely not. You should keep the area dry like the last bee sting like pain - Back & Neck.
What does a bee sting, or a spider bite.
What does a bee sting look/ Feel like?.
25.11.2007 · Best Answer: This is the body's reaction to the venom in the stinger. You shouldn't have pulled the stinger out because some stingers still contain venom
pain in foot feels like a bee sting
Pain feels like bee sting on AOL Answers. How To Relieve the Pain of a Bee Sting in. How bad does a wasp and a bee sting hurt?.16.01.2008 · Best Answer: PAINFUL A bee sting can be extremely painful, ranging from a stinging to a stabbing pain. It depends on what kind of bee. A honeybee
This post comes from personal experience after having been stung by a Yellow Jacket two summers ago. Being a First
I am geeting a pain in my neck/shoulder area that feels like a bee sting the pain comes and goes and feels like it getting worse
Pain feels like bee sting on AOL Answers.
What is the pain that feels like a bee sting in my leg? occurs randomly, lasts less than 1 minute but hurts like hell.
pain in foot feels like a bee sting
bee sting like pain - Back & Neck..